
About Us

Re-energised town centre artistic impression

In recent years there has been a clear focus by Wealden District Council on the need to regenerate the centre of Hailsham, in line with the ‘Vision for Hailsham’, as identified in the Hailsham Neighbourhood Plan, and offer Hailsham a bright future as the key growth town in East Sussex. 

The main aspirations of Hailsham Aspires are to ensure any future proposals for Hailsham:

  • Contribute positively to local economic growth
  • Encourage local investment
  • Provide an improved experience for visitors and residents
  • Deliver town centre living and employment opportunities
  • Create new public open spaces, accessible to all
  • Improve community infrastructure
  • Respect the heritage, culture and identity of the town
  • Shape the heart of Hailsham
Project Aspirations Image
Ariel view of Hailsham Aspires town centre regeneration masterplan area
Sketch of Hailsham High Street Sky Line